Trench Co.


About me

Hello, friends,

My name is Lauren and I want to thank you for taking the time to visit my small corner of the internet. I’m an Arizona-based photographer originally from the Adirondack region of Upstate New York.

What is my elevator pitch? It’s not easy for me to talk about myself, but maybe I can replace details like ‘I’m a left-handed, dog-obsessed, vegetarian…’ with things I believe.

For example, I believe you should always hold the door for the person behind you. I believe in kindness, compassion, and leaving a space a little lighter than you found it.

If you’re into the outdoors, slight awkwardness, and visual storytelling—you’re in the right place.

"You'll miss 100% of the shots you don't take,
-Wayne Gretzy"
                     -Michael Scott. 

Photographing comet Neowise 7/19/20, Paul Hurd

Photographing comet Neowise 7/19/20, Paul Hurd